Wednesday 31 August 2016

Envy Vs Jealousy

Hola, como estas? (Practising my Spanish for that trip to Ibiza,lol). 
Hope your week has been great. Can't believe today's the last day in August 2016, it just feels like I was saying 'Hello August' the other day. The month has been good for me, mostly work work work (in Rihanna's voice). See why I need someone to whisk me away to Spain?, I'm in need of a vacation or 'baecation', as the case may be.

Anyway, today I want to write about two related yet different emotions people feel and often misuse. Envy and Jealousy. Envy is a strong feeling of discontent and resentment towards someone who has something you want. Someone has something, you hate him for having it and want to have it for yourself. Envy breeds covetousness and that is deadly. No wonder it's called the 'green-eyed monster', because it consumes an individual and eats him up from the inside. Envy is one of the seven deadly sins, as a result of the strong negative emotion it evokes in a person. 

Jealousy on the other hand is another strong emotion that stems from insecurity, fear, concern, and anxiety over an anticipated loss of status or something of great personal value, especially a human being. Jealousy is about protecting that which you love from being taken away by someone else. I can be jealous over le Boo, but not envious of him. I will jealously guard the person or thing that I love, even God says He's a jealous God who will not share His glory with anyone. Then who am I not to get jealous? Jealousy is perfectly healthy as long as it doesn't degenerate  into smothering possessiveness, then biko run! It's not uncommon to hear people say 'you're jealous of me', when it's obvious that they meant 'you're envious of me'. You're jealous of someone you love and are afraid to loose or share, whereas envy is evil. If you resent someone for having something which you wish to possess, honey (in Wendy Williams' voice), the green-eyed monster has taken control of you. Resist it ASAP!!

So, that's all I have to say on this issue. You might disagree with me, but remember, my corner, my opinion. 

Do have a lovely day. Get jealous, but not envious.


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