Thursday, 14 September 2017

Before we Call for a Referendum

Picture Credit: google

In recent times, some people in the South Eastern part of Nigeria, predominantly made up of Igbo people has been agitating for breakup owing to what they felt was marginalisation and non-inclusion in the scheme of things in Nigeria. The Leader of the Independent People of Biafra, Nnamdi Kanu, and his followers have called for a Referendum so we can vote whether to stay in Nigeria or leave.

Monday, 11 September 2017

Burials in Igbo land: Time for a Review?

I remember when my dad died; a lot of lists, a lot of people to see, things to buy, meetings held, budget drafted and re-drafted, and each group had their demands which must be met. We managed to scrape funds together with some help from people,  buried him and performed the accompanying funeral rites. At the end of it all, my mum came one day and said someone told her that he/she (can't remember the gender) 'saw' my dad and he told him/her that he was not happy with us, as we did not bury him properly!! I laughed and told my mum to tell the person to tell my dad when next he/she 'sees' him to come and tell me where he kept the millions we should have used to bury him 'properly'.

Thursday, 31 August 2017

On The Need to Impress

Hi guys, 
It's been a while, right? We've been on holidays, long vacation, summer break, whichever you wish to call it. I've holiday makers over at my place and it's been chaos and fun and more chaos. I love it, most times; other times I wish to have my fairly-cool house back, 😁. Anyway, it's almost over and life will go back to normal very soon, but it's been super fun having a full house for the past one month.

Thursday, 17 August 2017

Are We All Hypocrites?

You know why I feel I'm not the best person to ask for advice, especially on life-related issues? I'd most likely do things differently if I were really in your shoes, different from the advice I'd give you. Now, does that make me a hypocrite? I don't know, but let's look at it.

Thursday, 10 August 2017

Screenshots: The Bane of our Generation?

So, there's an ongoing drama on the Nigeria Social Media space (there is always one of those anyway), involving a young man and a young woman. The young man alleged that he contacted a certain Nigerian girl with a large number of followers on Facebook to help promote his blog on her Facebook wall; however, the conversation, according to him, took a rather drastic turn from business discussion to a sex-chat. He released screenshots of the alleged conversation where the girl requested his nude picture in exchange for helping him promote his blog. The girl in question have also released her own version of the screenshots of the conversation, and they are way different from what the young man released, with no sexual requests whatsoever. Hmmmm...

Monday, 7 August 2017

While We Clap and Cheer

The newspapers' headlines this morning screamed of the bloodbath that took place yesterday in a Catholic church in Ozubulu, Anambra State in the South Eastern part of Nigeria, where gunmen drove into the church, opened fire on the 6 a.m Mass worshippers, killing about 11 and wounding about 18 (the numbers vary, depending on the source). The whole community and entire state was left in shock, and the ensuing panic and propaganda could be imagined.

Thursday, 3 August 2017

Unhealthy Competition

While we focus our attention on the rising number of rape cases we read and hear of, and teaching our children ways to avoid getting molested, as well as instilling decency in them so they do not become the molesters and rapists, I feel we should also bring another thing to the fore: Unhealthy competition/rivalry.

Monday, 31 July 2017

Rape: To Talk ot Not to Talk

They say that when life gives you lemons, do not frown, make a lemonade and have a cool drink. If only it were that easy. You can't always turn a bad situation to a good one, or one with a happy ending. In life, we deal with things differently and cope with traumas in different ways, however, when it comes to the issue of rape, the society tries to shut the victim up. Why?

I have been a victim, it was awful. It took me a while, but I talked about it despite being told by some people not to. They felt it was shameful to admit that one has been raped, probably because we live in a society where the victim is blamed for getting raped. However, in my opinion, talking about it removes the stigma and helps one move on. 

Friday, 28 July 2017

Our Obsession With Certificates

When I watched the documentary on Jelani Aliyu,  the Nigerian designer who designed a globally renowned electric car, the Chevrolet Volt and was recently appointed by President Buhari as the director-general of the Nigerian Automotive Design and Development Council (NADDC), I noted how proud his teachers were to have taught the genius. They kept praising his ingenuity and creative mind. Also, Jelani himself confirmed that Chevrolet didn't ask him to present his certificates before they employed him, as they were more concerned with what he was able to design and deliver to them. 

Friday, 23 June 2017

To The Widows...

Widowhood is a dreaded stage by most women, especially African women; nevertheless, it is something that will likely happen as statistics show that there are more widows than widowers. The maltreatment of widows became such a global issue that the United Nations now recognises June 23rd as the International Widows' Day and uses it to raise awareness on the plight of widows, especially the young women, with the aim of eradicating such awful practices.

Monday, 19 June 2017

Have We Become Overly Sensitive?

Have you noticed that people do not take jokes anymore? We all read meanings into everything, jokes and all, that we seem to tip-toe around one another, being very careful of what to say or not to say in order not to hurt feelings. We end up sugar-coating everything, not saying the truth so people don't get offended and probably not like us anymore. Who that one epp?

Monday, 12 June 2017


Add caption

I was at one of the commercial banks the other day and I overheard a man asking a customer care officer about next-of-kin. I wasn't intentionally eavesdropping though, hehehe... okay, maybe a little. I mean, my ears pricked when I heard him say he was his brother's next-of-kin, and wanted to know the procedure as apparently, the late brother's widow has gone to court to challenge him on that. The bank official told him they'd go with whomever the court approves of. Inwardly, I was quite pleased. 

Monday, 5 June 2017

Contentment: A Form of Happiness

How are y'all doing this lovely Monday morning?
Hope you had a nice weekend. I know I did😉

A brief history: I grew up in an average home, or you can even say below average. I mean, when both parents are school teachers in Nigeria, I believe we can conclude that that's a below-the-average kinda home. Besides making sure we had good education,

Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Biafra: 50 Years Later

History has it that on May 30, 1967, the Republic of Biafra was declared in the midst of the massacre of Southerners that was going on at the time in Nigeria, especially against the Igbos. Today marks the 50th Anniversary of the defunct republic, and Igbos around the country and the world have decided to honour the soldiers and loved ones who died during the bloody civil war that ensued.

Monday, 22 May 2017

Time to Abolish Some Cultural Practices

Buenos Días

Yea, in the spirit of Real Madrid and CR7😍winning the La Liga last night, I'm going Spanish today (yea, I know he's Portuguese, but still... just roll with me here). How was your weekend? Mine was not good, battled stomach upset all weekend, but I survived and I'm very thankful for that. 

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

#JusticeForChisom No to Maternal Mortality

It is heart breaking that in this day and age, with all the technological advancement, women still lose their lives in Nigeria during childbirth, over carelessness, negligence and other issues that could be avoided. Sometime in April,

Monday, 15 May 2017

International Day of Families


The importance of the family unit cannot be overemphasized, as we all have our families, blood and adopted. May 15th of every year has been set aside by the United Nations since 1996 to celebrate the family, and promote awareness on several issues facing families globally.

Thursday, 11 May 2017

Humility vs Low Self Esteem

"Humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less."- C.S Lewis

Be ye humble; that's something we have always been admonished to be.

Monday, 8 May 2017

Vive la France!

Quoi de neuf?

Yeaa, I'm officially moving to France. Canada and Justin Trudeau are soo old school, Emmanuel Macron is the in-thing now!! 

Courtesy: fox news

Good morning guys, so now y'all know that France has a new president, 39 years old Emmanuel Macron.

Thursday, 4 May 2017

It Goes Down in the DM

Hi guys,
Adesua and Banky 💕

So, now you probably know that two of Nigeria's sweethearts are engaged to be married. Well, if you didn't know let me break it down for you, one of Nigeria's finest musicians,

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Nigeria and Brain Drain

Nigeria is a country filled with wonderful people and intelligent brains, no doubt about that. It is a wonder therefore to look around us and see rot and decay in various sectors, from education to health to technology; we seem to be saddled with incompetent people who do not have a clue as to what they're supposed to be doing in their so-called area of specialisation. Yet in other countries of the world, Nigerians there are doing excellently well. Why?
Courtesy: google.

Monday, 24 April 2017

Statutory Rape Vs Paedophilia

Hi guys,
Hope you're good and your day is going well? Good. My day and week has been super busy, but I can't complain. It's what I signed up for, hehhehe...

You know how I always say that the Nigerian cyber space is always up to something? Well, we're at it again. Some days ago, a teacher in a secondary school in my own Awka, Anambra state sat down in his house or wherever and composed a post which in summary encourages men to date and marry teenagers, preferably those in secondary schools or who has just completed their secondary education. According to him, they are young, naive and easy to control, unlike the girls who are in the university or more mature women. 

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Dawn of A New Era

Hi guys,

How was the holidays? What did you do? Travel, chill at home or hangout with the family? Hope you had fun anyway. I wasn't feeling too well, so I basically chilled at home most of the time, then took the lil' munchkin to a birthday party on Easter Sunday, dassol. Now it's back to work, work work...

Monday, 10 April 2017

My Take on Bbnaija

So guys, Big Brother naija has come and gone; big congratulations to Efe and Bisola. I was a huge fan of the show and voted till the end. That being said, I promise not to bother you with the show after today.

While some calculated the amount of money Payporte (the major sponsor) and the organisers made, I had other things on my mind.

Wednesday, 5 April 2017

The Quest For Perfect Skin

"I'm a big believer that if you focus on good skin care, you won't need a lot of makeup"- Demi Moore.

Hello lovelies,
Today, we're gonna talk about our skin!! Yes. I know that is one area a lot of people are concerned about, especially women. I mean, who doesn't want a glowing, perfect skin? We all do, right?

Now, I'm not a dermatologist or a skin care expert, but what I do know is that I have tried over the years to get an even skin tone, and maintain that glow. I have gone about it the wrong way, before I found out what works for my skin. 

Monday, 3 April 2017

Condemning What you Don't Understand

Hello lovers....
Been awhile, guys. I've missed you all o.  Sorry for my absence, I've been sooo busy that I couldn't make out time to blog, though I had a lot of ideas in my head. I was away on an official assignment and the internet connection in that town was soo poor, I could barely do much online.

Since I got back, I've been trying to do my school work, assignments and stuff, and it has been so frustrating. See, in-as-much-as I appreciate the efforts Nigeria is making towards digitalization,

Monday, 27 March 2017

Straight From The Horse's Mouth

Hello everyone,
Rise and shine people, it’s a beautiful day!!! 

Hope you all had a good weekend, and the mothers had a nice mothers’ day celebration here in Nigeria. Someone asked if we didn’t just celebrate International Women’s Day; yes we did, and we should celebrate mothers daily. Being a mother has undoubtedly made me appreciate the sacrifices my mother went through all the more. We deserve it, the fathers try too, but common, mothers rule the world by shaping the lives we carried, birthed and nurtured.

Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Going Beyond the Rhetoric

You know one of those times you have a lot to say, but don't know where to start from? That's me today. I have a lot on my mind, and I don't know where to start from. 

Have you noticed how topics/issues just trend on social media, especially on the Nigerian internet space, for a while, then we move on to the next. While it trends, everybody wants to write about it, or be part of that discourse.

Monday, 20 March 2017

Be Ye Happy!! #SmallSmurfsBigGoals.

Happy International Day of Happiness!!!

Did you know that since 2013, 20th March of every year is celebrated worldwide as the International Day of Happiness? Well, it is and it might seem trivial to some, but the pursuit of happiness is apparently a fundamental human goal which we erroneously leave in others' hands. The pursuit of happiness is defined as a fundamental right mentioned in the Declaration of Independence to freely pursue joy and live life in a way that makes you happy, as long as you don't do anything illegal or violate the rights of others. 

Friday, 17 March 2017

When the Anointed Touch Themselves

Have you heard of Jimmy Swaggart?I must confess I didn't know of him until a few days ago, and I went to read up and watch videos, and boy, did he make an interesting read. I believe all these flamboyant, spirikoko 'men of God' would probably pale in comparison to Jimmy, yet he slipped.What I found intriguing was not that he was caught with prostitutes, rather the role played by a fellow pastor, Marvin Gorman, whom he, Jimmy, had shamed in the 1986 when the story of Marvin's infidelity came to fore. According to reports, Jimmy was quite vocal in condemning other preachers who were caught up infidelity themselves, never knowing his own day was gonna come.

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Who's Watching the Watchers?

Hello everyone,
Trust you had a restful night? Good morning.

News broke on Monday that a Lagos High Court has ordered the N
ational Agency For Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) to order the Nigerian Bottling Company (NBC) to put a written warning on Fanta and Sprite containers that it is poisonous to drink them with Vitamin C. Apparently, a Nigerian,

Monday, 13 March 2017

It's My Birthday!!!

Yay!!!! Happy birthday to me!!!

On this date, 34 years ago, on a beautiful Sunday morning, this lovely gal bounced her way into this awesome world of ours, bringing rays of sunshine into the world. Hehehehe...

Of course I'm not going to write about anything else today, I'm just gonna relax and enjoy the day. I'm super grateful for sooo many blessings in my life; when I look at where I was, where I am, and the better days are ahead, I give all praise to my God, my father who watches over me always. I pray to have the willpower to give back to the society and to do good as much as I can (can't say always, lol).

Enjoy your week, and remember to live to the fullest because you only live once (YOLO). 

May God bless the works of our hands this week and beyond, Amen. 

Friday, 10 March 2017

Feminist, not Misandrist

Hello everyone,
How has your week been? Stressful, easy, or just boring? Whichever one, we're still thankful that the weekend is here again. Got some parties to attend to this weekend, so it's gonna be a fun one, lol.

Still in the spirit of International Women's Day, I wish to write about two words which a lot of people have often misused, some out of pure ignorance and some deliberately out of mischief. 

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Be Bold For Change

Growing up, especially when puberty set in, I wished I was a boy. In my mind, they had it easier, nobody taunted them for developing breasts as I was embarrassed when mine started coming out and some people would actually say 'hey see Nneka o, she has started developing breasts', I was mortified and wished the ground would open up and swallow me. Also,

Monday, 6 March 2017

On the Issue of Consent

I love this country!! Never a dull moment, I swear! There's always one scandal brewing on the social scene, from our actress claiming someone's dogs as hers, to one of the housemates in the Big Brother naija getting disqualified for sexual offences, now a controversial Nigerian Pastor is being accused of impregnating a young girl and having her arrested when she refused to abort the pregnancy. We stay busy, don't we? We're not complaining though; with the situation of things in Nigeria, we can do with some form of amusement, albeit at other people's expense. Sad, but true.


Friday, 3 March 2017

No Siddon Look!

TGIF my good people!!
Evil prospers when good men do nothing-John P. Curran
The above quote came to my mind this morning when I was listening to the radio while getting dressed for work. My favourite radio station in Abuja is Rhythm fm;

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

To Fast or Not To Fast

Welcome to my birth-month, March! Yipeee!!! My birthday is in 12 days, and I'm excited. I'm never too old not to get excited about my birthday, so let the gifts roll in pleasseee... lol. May this month be a blessed and fruitful month, may we never miss a good opportunity and may peace fill our hearts and homes, amen.
Today is Ash Wednesday in the Christian calendar, the first day of the Lenten season, a period when Christians commemorate the 40 days and nights that Jesus spent fasting in the wilderness before he embarked on his mission on earth.

Monday, 27 February 2017

They Really Don't Care


Good morninngggg guys, How're y'all doing?
The weekend has come and gone and a new working week is upon us. You know my mantra, work hard at every given opportunity, show yourself worthy in little things and you will be trusted with the big things.

So, the Oscars took place last night and I learnt there was some mixup with the Best Picture award.

Thursday, 23 February 2017

Complexities of complexes

Hello to our new readers, welcome to my corner, hope you enjoyed the posts you have read so far? To the oldies, the faithful and loyal readers, how you doin'? You know I appreciate y'all, right? Yes, I do.

Can we talk about inferiority and superiority complexes today? It's actually been on my mind for a while now and whenever I wanted to write about it, something else would grab my attention instead, but not today. Now, the scholarly definition of inferiority complex explains it as a feeling of inadequacy and lack of self-worth, while superiority complex is seen as a defence mechanism to cover up an inferiority complex. In other words, the individual already feels inadequate to others, and in order to make up for that feeling, he tends to act superior to others so as to cover up the inferiority complex. Hmmmm....

Monday, 20 February 2017

Entitlement Mentality

Good morning everyone,
How was your weekend? Hope good. Mine was restful, with Big Brother Nigeria and the internet, I was good; yea I love the show, sue me! LOL. 

Today I want to write about something we're mostly guilty of, 'entitlement mentality'. That syndrome where you feel that a privilege is a right and something your deserve and should get. I know we might disagree with this statement. but before you rush to deny it,

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

It's Valentine's Day

Where there is love, there are always great wishes- Willa Cather

Hello lovers,
I wish to start by apologising for my one week absence. It soo was not intentional; I decided to go back to school for another post-graduate programme, an MSc., so it shall not be easy combining work with school, blogging and motherhood. I honestly don't know how my mum did it, but I'm sure gonna try.

Monday, 6 February 2017

Take a Stand

Deep Sigh...
Nigeria is not an easy country to be in, either as a leader or as a citizen; if you doubt me ask our President or 2face Idibia.

Hi everyone, I seem to have lost my manners a little, delving into the matter without greetings. How're you doin'? Hope y'all have been good and didn't get up to any mischief? Good. Welcome to a new week and may this week bring us peace from all sides, amen.

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Work Ethics: Honesty

Welcome to the month of Love and the shortest month of the year. It seemed as if January would never end, right? Hahahaha... I know! When you're a salary earner, you couldn't wait for the month to end, as the weeks seem to drag on and on. Thank God we're here and may this be a fruitful month for all of us. 

For the past few weeks, we have been talking about Christian Work Ethics in my church, and I am thoroughly enjoying the series.

Monday, 30 January 2017

To Thy Tents...

If only we knew how futile it is to make a fuss over what we have little or no control over- Me
Courtesy, Google.

For the Bible scholars, the story in the Bible had it that at a point, the king wouldn't listen to the people, and they got angry and decided to leave and go to their various homes since the king had refused to give them a stake or an inheritance. Hence the term 'To your tents O Israel' was born. Sound familiar?

Friday, 27 January 2017

Driving In Nigeria

Thank God it's Friday!!!
Hope your week was fruitful, and you achieved a larger percentage of all you set out to achieve this week? Well, if you didn't, don't beat yourself up about it.

When I visited Dubai, one of the things that amazed me was how calm the cab drivers seemed;

Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Contract Marriage

Your hardest times often lead to the greatest moments of your life. Keep going. Tough situations build strong people in the end.” 

― Roy T. BennettThe Light in the Heart

The above quote aptly fits the situation in Nigeria at the moment. With the killings here and there, the security operatives seem at a loss over what to do or how to go about dealing with this. I hope there's light at the end of this tunnel, and we will emerge stronger and more united. Or are these signs of the end time which the Bible talks about? If yes, does this mean there's no point praying for things to get better, since they won't? Anyway, I digress. 

Monday, 23 January 2017

Federal Character Principle: Friend or Foe?

Hello everyone, good morning.
Courtesy: Federal character commission
How're you doing? What's been happening? Well, inflation is still here, prices of goods and services are still skyrocketing, our President was rumoured to have died over the weekend, but a picture has been released of him chilling in London. Someone said that was how the 'rumour' started with an ex-President, which later turned out to be true, hahahaha....Nigerians have no chill!! Also, apparently, the ex President of Gambia allegedly left with 11 million dollars from their Treasury as he fled into exile. 11 million seems like peanuts compared to all the wealth he must have amassed in the 22 years he ruled his country, but what do they say, more money makes you want more money. It is just never enough, is it? Greed!

To the business of today.

Friday, 20 January 2017

My Fitness Journey

Hi Hi, 
So many things are happening in the world, and for a while the focus is not on Nigeria. Donald Trump is being sworn in as the 45th President of the United States of America today, congratulations to him. President Adama Barrow had to be sworn into office in Senegal as the Ex President of Gambia, Yahya Jammeh refused to accept the result of the election and leave office after ruling Gambia for 22 years, 22 years and he's still not tired? He'd rather watch his country enter into a civil war than do the right thing. I don't know what is wrong with the crop of leaders we have in Africa, that they desire to cling to power by all means. I hope this act doesn't destroy their country.

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

How Correct is Our GPS?

I remember discussing with an Uncle of mine who came in from the US over the Christmas holidays about GPS services here in Nigeria. He expressed his pleasant surprise that the GPS seemed to be working well in the major cities, I agreed with him and his wife although I know that sometimes they get my location way off, even in Abuja. I could be in Apo and the GPS on my phone would have my location as Karu, which is at another end of the Federal Capital Territory! In the East, especially my Village, Facebook said I was in Ukpo, or Awkuzu, meanwhile I was in Abagana.

Monday, 16 January 2017

Message From Abroad

Hello everyone, hope you had a good weekend. It was a sad morning as we woke up to read the news that two suicide bombers snuck into the Mosque inside the University of Maiduguri, Borno state detonated and killed students and Professors who gathered there for the early morning prayers. Quite saddening.

Friday, 13 January 2017

100th Post

Hi guys,

This is my 100th post!! Whoop whoop!!! This is a milestone worth celebrating, if I may say so myself. An Igbo proverb says that the lizard fell from the tree, looked left and right and decided that since no one wanted to praise him, he'd praise himself, hence the nod. When you don't copy and paste news information, but sit and articulate your thoughts well enough and write them down in a way that it would make sense, you can bet it won't be easy. 

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

On Strange Relationships

If you live in Nigeria, I beg you to try and buy petrol today as the owners of the oil, the Nigerian Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas Workers (NUPENG) have begun a 3 days 'warning' strike today, and if you have experienced the fuel scarcity that comes with one of their strike actions, you'd understand what I'm hinting at. One day strike from NUPENG affects fuel supply for for days. It is bad that at every point in time, a sector of this nation's economy will hold the country by the balls through strike action, although I don't always blame them. Strike action seem to be the way to get this government's attention. Anyway, that's by the way.

Monday, 9 January 2017

Has My Priorities Changed?

Good morning and welcome to a new week.

I'm back after my break. Before you ask, I didn't have fun! Car accident coupled with sickness that just wouldn't let me be great, but I'm good now. The year  has begun running already and work has resumed in earnest. Time waits for no one, really and this year has got to be fabulous.  

Sunday, 1 January 2017

Happy New Year

“You can get excited about the future. The past won’t mind.” – 
Hillary DePiano

Hello everyone!! Happy new year!!!