Hello everyone, hope you had a good weekend. It was a sad morning as we woke up to read the news that two suicide bombers snuck into the Mosque inside the University of Maiduguri, Borno state detonated and killed students and Professors who gathered there for the early morning prayers. Quite saddening.
The bombing is not news as Borno state has been worse hit by the boko haram insurgency in Nigeria, but the terrorists have stayed away from the university prior to this attack. My heart goes to those affected directly and this goes to show that the insurgents do not respect any religion as the people killed in the mosques were all Muslims. Terrible!!
I don't know how many of us saw the video of a Nigerian man standing in the cold and cursing all their relatives back home who squander the money they labour to send from Europe and other parts of the world. It might seem funny and amusing to some people but the young man was dead serious and obviously pained. See the video here: Video.
Contrary to what some people think, it is not rosy out there and Dollars and Euros do not grow on the trees as some of our people think. We assume that once someone is in 'the abroad', all is automatically well for him/her and the air of entitlement kicks in among his/ family members who feel they should keep sending down hard currency for them here. Obodo oyibo is not easy at all, granted that all the social amenities and infrastructure is in place which makes life more enjoyable, but earning the money is not an easy feat at all. Some have three jobs which they carry out in shifts, barely getting enough sleep, but we assume they're balling over there.

I'd advice to be sure of whom you're sending money to for projects here in Nigeria. I know it is not easy to know who to trust as parents, spouse, brothers, sisters, friends can disappoint and even plot to kill you on arrival so you don't query them over your money; yes, some people are that wicked and will go to such extremes to cover up their evil deeds. The guy in the video said the people that do such would die. That might seem too harsh, but it goes to show how pained the young man was. Be careful and know that not all that are close to you wish you well. Our people here, enough with that sense of entitlement! Your relatives and friends abroad do not owe you! Don't feel they must send money to you or buy gifts whenever they're visiting. They work twice as hard to earn that money and they have every right to spend it on what and whom they please. Have some heart please. If someone entrusts you with his/her money for a particular project, don't see it as an opportunity to enrich your pockets or punish him for not sending money to you since. Do not use the money he sent to build a house for him and build your own house, or build two houses, one for you and one for him/her, thereby most probably using inferior products. That's wickedness and you will not go unpunished.
Have a blessed week and May God see us through these trying times.
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