Monday 31 October 2016

To Diet or Not to Diet

If only I'd tell my stomach this when it starts to grumble or lust after that pounded yam and white soup. Sigh...

Good morning everyone, hope you had a gooood weekend? Mine was just the basic Saturday, workout, shopping, cooking. Then I took the lil' missy to a birthday party where I ate a lot of delicious cake. The boy's mother is a wonderful baker, so you can imagine the deliciousness that she brought out in the form of a cake. So, after all the cake and alcohol I made up my mind I'd eat veggies and fruits yesterday to cleanse my system and balance the junk out. Hmmmm... Na so!!

I tried o! In all honesty I tried to eat only veggies but mehnn, I just couldn't. See, I'm a foodie, a proud one at that. My taste buds love food, and I don't deny them of the pleasure of good food. My preference is local dishes, I'm not very adventurous when it comes to food, but I just gotta eat. I see friends going on different kinds of diet to loose weight and I've tried some in the past before I respected myself and decided to stick to what works for me. 

The issue with weightloss is sustainability; which most of the crash diet programs do not make any provision for. Let's say I want to loose 20kg, I go on a crash diet for a month or less, I loose the 20kg, then I stop the diet and go back to my former lifestyle. What do you think will happen? I'd just pack the weight back on! That's what I've seen with a lot of people. They drink all sorts of teas and herbs; I even heard of one that's refined charcoal, all for weightloss. I personally feel some of those things might even have some side effects. 

After due consideration, I decided that what works for me is moderate eating and regular vigorous exercises. It's not easy to wake up early and run for 8-10km, but when I remember I can't eat only veggies, I quickly put on my running shoes and hit the road. My advise is, if you want to loose weight, you must make some lifestyle alterations; change your diet and exercise. There's no healthier shortcut to loosing weight. You can do any of these crash programs, but you must combine it with exercise if you want to sustain the results. Most of the diet plans I have read about all recommend exercise,which only goes to prove that you need more than crash diet to loose weight and maintain it. 

When you set out on the weightloss journey, do not expect to see drastic changes soon, afterall you didn't pack on the weight in one day/week/month. However, keep going and you'll definitely see amazing results. If you can't run, walk, or join a group if you need motivation. Whatever you do, get off the couch and exercise. You've nothing to loose, but a lot to gain. 

That's all from me today. Have a fabulous week and don't be a couch potato, hehehehe....

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