When people talk about women being their own worst enemy, I always think to myself, 'those are girls, not women'. It hurts when I see or hear of erstwhile best friends who have become sworn enemies, and either of them resort to using information she knows about the other's past to shame and mock her. C'mon!! We should be adults and mature women, not school girls anymore.
It's not news to hear girls complain that their friends have left or abandoned them as soon as they got married; I personally feel such people value friendships based on the amount of time they spend together, not the quality of time. Almost all my friends are married, I can count a few, not up to 5 of us who're still single; but I have never felt abandoned by them. Mature women know that as you get married, or grow older, other things take your time and you gotta prioritise. Imagine if I have an important meeting or presentation at work the following day, and a friend wants us hang out or gist till midnight. I would most likely decline as I need my beauty sleep in order to be sharp and alert in the morning (also as I don't joke with my night sleep, LOL). You can then imagine when your friend has children and a family to run; it's unrealistic to expect her to available the way she used to be.
To the married friend whom all of a sudden doesn't trust her single friends around her man. Hmmmmm... The only reason why I feel you should be worried about something like this happening is if y'all have been sleeping with one another's men over the years, sorta swingin'. I mean, you know your friends' characters, and if you're one of those who make friends based on their looks (yea, I've seen someone who only becomes your friend if you;re beautiful and of a certain social class), then you should be worried. However, it's an insult to loyal friends to insinuate that the reason you keep them at bay is because you think they'll 'snatch' your man. In this scenario, there's a 'snatcher' and a 'snatchee'; if the snatchee allows himself to be snatched, why blame only the snatcher? Anyway, that's story for another day.
When I hear of two girls fighting themselves over a man (yes, I call them girls despite their age), I shudder because I'm yet to see two men fight in public over a woman. As women, what y'all should do is team up and deal with the dude for disrespecting both of you. Trust me, as you both are fighting and killing each other over the guy, dude has moved on to the next girl and you both look stupid.
In our workplace, may we be the kind of women who uplift and support female subordinates, and not feel threatened by their youth and knowledge. Be happy for a woman who is doing well, and show empathy for another who is going through difficulties. I'm appalled at some things I read about on Social Media and hear during my interactions with people. You've a brother who loves his wife and treats her well, instead of being proud of your brother for doing the right thing, envy wants to claw your eyes out and you lash out at your sister-in-law!! Hian! Where do these immature simpletons crawl out from??!!! When a woman complains of some hardships and misfortune, fellow women are the ones that berate her the most. Why?? Maturity has nothing to do with age, really.

Peace out!
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