Hi Hi,
Hope you guys are having a good holidays. We have just a few days to the end of 2016, and my heart is filled with gratitude. This year has been filled with ups and downs, mostly downs for me, and the climax was last Saturday, but God came through for me.
I'm not a deeply religious person, I believe in God, however, I do not understand or approve of a lot of things He allows to happen in this world, having been brought up to believe that what God doesn't will, shall not come to pass. I wonder why He allows the good people to die, while the evil human beings are left alive, and so on.
Anyway, I survived what would have been a fatal car crash on Christmas Eve, a trailer truck crashed into cars, mine inclusive, pushed my car backwards with my trapped inside my car and screaming, before finally coming to a halt, with my car as its wedge! The speed with which I ran out of the car, through the passenger's side is better imagined! It was like a scene from a bad movie! I froze and honestly couldn't do anything in those few seconds. Thinking back, it could have ended in so many worse ways, my car is badly damaged, but I thank God I'm alive with no physical injuries. Looking back, I wonder why I covered my face while screaming, was it so I wouldn't see my end? or because I didn't want the broken pieces of glass to cut my face? (vain Nneka, lol)

Enjoy the rest of your holidays o! Stay safe and we shall end 2016 in peace.
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