The story of Eli in the Bible should be a lesson to all of us. Eli was a Chief Priest of Shiloh, the then-highest place of worship; a good man who loved and delighted in God’s service. He was one of those described as 'pure', gave his all to God and served Him faithfully. Yet he failed in one very important aspect- raising his children right.
One might wonder why God didn't compensate Eli by making sure his children were perfectly-behaved, after-all Eli spent all his time serving in His temple, right? Well, things didn't quite play out like that, and the Bible recorded that the children caused him so much grief in his old age because he failed to discipline them when they were younger and he was stronger. The same thing happened to King David, 'the man after God's heart'; he also focused on God, his Kingdom and his women, and forgot to train his children. Christians know the disaster recorded to have taken place in his household- brother raping sister, brother killing brother, etc.
One might wonder why God didn't compensate Eli by making sure his children were perfectly-behaved, after-all Eli spent all his time serving in His temple, right? Well, things didn't quite play out like that, and the Bible recorded that the children caused him so much grief in his old age because he failed to discipline them when they were younger and he was stronger. The same thing happened to King David, 'the man after God's heart'; he also focused on God, his Kingdom and his women, and forgot to train his children. Christians know the disaster recorded to have taken place in his household- brother raping sister, brother killing brother, etc.
In our times, we have seen people with the same mindset- that once what they're doing is in the service of God, it must be the right thing. Yes, but at what cost? Some of us spend all our time split between our work on weekdays and church activities on weekends, that we have very little or no time for our families. I remember a Bishop (now retired) in my church, whose son was so irresponsible back then (still is), and a terror to the family and neighbourhood, often bringing shame and embarrassment to the family and the church. I wondered why would God not make this boy behave well, after-all his father (the Bishop) was serving God and church activities took his time. Now I know different.

We must get our priorities right, you cannot sacrifice your children on the altar of your job, social life , or church activities. God will not save your marriage if as a pastor you abandon your home and believe you're serving God. As a woman, you live in the church for 24 hours and neglect your home; when the 'other woman' invades your home and becomes a wife and mother to your children, if you like pray from now till tomorrow, nothing will happen.
What am I saying? There's a time for everything, there should be a balance. Don't spend the time in the church when you're supposed to be working in your office,or spend working ours at your desk praying, whereas you've a pile of work waiting for you, then get upset when your boss gets angry with you. After-all you went to serve God, right? Nope. Give to Ceaser that which is Ceaser's... Some of us focus on training other people's children, Eli trained Samuel, we train our house-helps and wards, and forget to train our children. The child you fail to train today will cause you a lot of grief, pains and regret tomorrow, and don't blame God when He doesn't answer you, He didn't answer Eli either. If God did not spare His High Priest, He will most likely not spare us.The time is now. Get your priorities right!
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