Monday, 23 May 2016

Halitosis-induced confusion

Ever been hit with the smell of bad breath so bad you choke and cough with tears coming from your eyes? Well, that was what I dealt with yesterday for hours.
I went to church calmly o, sat down on a pew. After a while, this terrible odour came from my left! I was taken aback and I could swear the confusion set in. Did someone fart? Was it bad breath? And you bet I lost concentration. I tried to hold my breath, but mehn, I had to breathe o before I slump in church and some people would think I was possessed by a demon and in need of deliverance, LOL.
I found myself wishing and hoping the culprit wouldn’t open his/her mouth again, but that was mere wishful thinking as we Anglicans sing a lot of hymns, so imagine my discomfort throughout the service.
Seriously though, is it possible that people that suffer from halitosis do not know that their breaths make people want to take cover?? Is there a polite way to tell someone his/her breath stinks?? (I wish I even knew who it was that wanted to kill me yesterday sef).
Please please please, brush regularly, rinse your mouth after each meal, use good mouth wash, use tongue scrapper to clean your tongue (if tooth brush no do you anymore), floss floss floss , chew any of those healthy minty gums biko, and see a doctor too, because bad breath could be as a result of some underlying health conditions.
Have a blessed week, and may the Almighty bless the works of our hands.



  1. Hahahaha......
    Most people with bad breath are unaware of it.
    They need to be told.i would politely tell you your breath makes me uncomfortable.
    They need to see a dentist.They may not unless you tell them so save a soul,sister!

  2. The question is how will you tell your partner that his/her mouth is smelling biko? Evan I think they know because sometimes when talking to you they kind of hide or move their mouth a little away from ur nose.

  3. Imagine travelling for a long distance with that kind of person*lol*just remembered my encounter.....hahahahahahahaha.....and people in question will always want to talk,sometimes trying to whisper in your ear....odikwa egwu!

  4. Imagine travelling for a long distance with that kind of person*lol*just remembered my encounter.....hahahahahahahaha.....and people in question will always want to talk,sometimes trying to whisper in your ear....odikwa egwu!
