Friday, 23 June 2017

To The Widows...

Widowhood is a dreaded stage by most women, especially African women; nevertheless, it is something that will likely happen as statistics show that there are more widows than widowers. The maltreatment of widows became such a global issue that the United Nations now recognises June 23rd as the International Widows' Day and uses it to raise awareness on the plight of widows, especially the young women, with the aim of eradicating such awful practices.

Monday, 19 June 2017

Have We Become Overly Sensitive?

Have you noticed that people do not take jokes anymore? We all read meanings into everything, jokes and all, that we seem to tip-toe around one another, being very careful of what to say or not to say in order not to hurt feelings. We end up sugar-coating everything, not saying the truth so people don't get offended and probably not like us anymore. Who that one epp?

Monday, 12 June 2017


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I was at one of the commercial banks the other day and I overheard a man asking a customer care officer about next-of-kin. I wasn't intentionally eavesdropping though, hehehe... okay, maybe a little. I mean, my ears pricked when I heard him say he was his brother's next-of-kin, and wanted to know the procedure as apparently, the late brother's widow has gone to court to challenge him on that. The bank official told him they'd go with whomever the court approves of. Inwardly, I was quite pleased. 

Monday, 5 June 2017

Contentment: A Form of Happiness

How are y'all doing this lovely Monday morning?
Hope you had a nice weekend. I know I did😉

A brief history: I grew up in an average home, or you can even say below average. I mean, when both parents are school teachers in Nigeria, I believe we can conclude that that's a below-the-average kinda home. Besides making sure we had good education,